Where can I buy Sparki Lee products?

Our products can be purchased from quality Retailers around Australia, including Online.

Head to our Find a Retailer page to find your nearest Retailer.

Not every Retailer carries our full range, and if they don’t it can always be ordered for you and should arrive within a few days.

Can I purchase directly from Sparki Lee?

Sparki Lee is a Manufacturer and Wholesaler, so if you are a Retailer the answer is yes.

We invest a lot of time and effort in working with Retailers to get our great Product range on their shelves and into your Homes.

By selling direct we would be competing against our own Customers (Retailers), and while there are other Manufacturers doing it, we see it as unethical and unprofessional.

Why should you buy Sparki Lee instead of other brands?

While there are many quality Australian made and Owned brands available, there are others who manufacture Overseas or in Australia but are foreign owned.

Our recommendation to you is – Do your homework before buying.

When buying Sparki Lee you can have confidence in knowing you are supporting Australian manufacturing, and at the same time you are supporting local Retailers.

Here at Sparki Lee, Pet Products are all we do and we are very passionate about it!

Are all of your ingredients safe for Dogs?


Our Products are developed in conjunction with Vets and Nutritionists to ensure that no nasties are used.

Some ingredients have been given poor reviews and labelled unsafe;

Garlic is one, however it is considered good for keeping intestinal worms and parasites at bay, as well as reducing chances of getting fleas. It is used in safe quantities in some products.

Too much garlic can be toxic, and the amount of garlic we use is well below any dangerous levels.

Peanut Butter is another, however our Peanut Butter does not contain Xylitol which is considered harmful to Dogs.

Still have a question?

Head to our Contact Us page and submit your question.